Craftsman Quality Lockers - as featured in Spa Business, Health Club Management, Sports Management and Leisure Opportunities.
Advertisement promotion:
The power to create great changing spaces.
Craftsman Lockers are leading space planners in the design and supply of great changing rooms that enhance the leisure experience. (From Leisure Opportunities, issue 655 2015)
Advertisement promotion:
The power to create great changing spaces.
Craftsman Lockers are leading space planners in the design and supply of great changing rooms that enhance the leisure experience. (From Leisure Opportunities, issue 642 2014)
Advertisement promotion:
The power to create great changing spaces.
Craftsman Lockers are leading space planners in the design and supply of great changing rooms that enhance the leisure experience. (From Leisure Opportunities, issue 640 2014)
Advertisement promotion:
Craftsman partners Rockliffe Hall at every stage of success.
Adapting and expanding changing provision ensures this five-star hotel, spa and golf resort can continue to match member and visitor expectations (From Spa Business, issue 1 2014)
Advertisement promotion:
The Galleon continues to invest to maximise retention
Recycling is how one of Scotland's most efficiently run trusts has gained maximum life from its changing provision while boosting customer care. (From Health Club Management, issue 10 2013)
Promotional feature:
Craftsman and Garran Lockers - A formidable partnership.
Craftsman Lockers has a generation's experience in designing, manufacturing and fitting great changing rooms that match provision with customer expectations and patterns of use. (From Leisure Opportunities, issue 610 2013)
Promotional feature:
Craftsman and Garran Lockers - A formidable partnership.
Craftsman Lockers has a generation's experience in designing, manufacturing and fitting great changing rooms that match provision with customer expectations and patterns of use. (From Leisure Opportunities, issue 608 2013)
Advertising feature:
Quality changing rooms

A key to attract and retain new members - make the right choice first time round. (From Health Club Management, issue 6 2013)
Advertisement promotion:
All the answers at Airdrie

Centre now meets customer expectations for a great changing experience. (From Sports Management, issue 2 2013)
Advertisement feature:
The ON-X factor that's future-proofing provision
The £24m ON-X Linwood Centre is championing change and placing customer needs first. (From Health Club Management, issue 5 2013)
Company profile:
Craftsman Quality Lockers

The Craftsman team are experts in space planning changing rooms right across the leisure industry.