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Les Mills UK

About us   |   Contact us
For over 50 years Les Mills has been leading the way in fitness to inspire a fitter planet. Every week, millions of people get fit in 21,000 clubs across 100 countries with the help of 140,000 Les Mills instructors.
Find out more about Les Mills UK here...
Les Mills UK: News and press releases
20 Dec 2023
Les Mills has released Les Mills XR Dance for the Meta Quest 3 headset. The release is the company's second collaboration with XR (extended reality) gaming specialist Odder’s, following on from Les Mills XR Bodycombat which won Meta Quest’s Best App award in 2022.
09 Nov 2023
Clive Ormerod will stand down from his role as Group CEO of Les Mills at the end of 2023.
23 Aug 2023
Les Mills has launched a new low-impact, strength-based workout programme inspired by Pilates, barre and power yoga.
29 Jun 2023
Gen Z will have a bigger impact on the global fitness market than any generation before them, according to a new report from Les Mills.
17 Mar 2023
Employers within the fitness and physical activity sector could do more when it comes to ensuring their workforces have the support they need to deal with mental health issues.
28 Feb 2023
Les Mills has unveiled pioneering new programming to help clubs attract and engage the next generation of members.
25 Oct 2022
More than 5,000 exercisers turned out for Les Mills Live London recently, making it one of the largest group exercise events ever staged.
14 Jul 2022
Saudi Arabia’s largest club chain to offer world-leading Les Mills workouts across 151 sites, with plans to roll out across its women’s clubs from August 2022.
Les Mills UK: featured in HCM and Fit Tech magazines
Industry insights: What's ahead
HCM Handbook 2024 issue 1
As the fitness industry has bounced back from the pandemic, experts from around the world reflect on the past year and what might happen next…
Everyone's talking about: Indoor cycling
Health Club Management 2024 issue 4
Speaking on the LIFTS podcast recently, Xponential Fitness CEO Anthony Geisler said participation in studio cycling is down globally. Kath Hudson decided to investigate
Health Club Management 2024 issue 1
Kath Hudson talks to industry experts from around the world about their key takeaways from last year and their hopes for 2024
Health Club Management 2023 issue 9
Periods are sometimes viewed as taboo, but with menstruation proven to have a powerful impact on exercise, it’s time the fitness industry got comfortable with the conversation finds Kath Hudson
Special report: Strength revolution
Health Club Management 2023 issue 8
Strength training is booming, in part due to various government’s guidelines that recommend it for all ages, with new offerings coming in the form of hardware, tech and programming, as Steph Eaves reports
Health Club Management 2023 issue 7
A landmark report finds clubs can unlock growth by engaging Gen Z. So how should operators shape strategies to meet their needs? Jak Phillips investigates
About Les Mills UK
About us For more than 50 years Les Mills has been leading the way in fitness. We produce 22 group fitness programmes, backed by science, to be experienced in club or at home via Les Mills+.

Every week, millions of people get fit in 21,000 clubs, across 100 countries with the help of 140,000 Les Mills instructors, who bring to life programmes such as BODYPUMP™ (the world’s most popular barbell workout), BODYCOMBAT™ (martial arts), RPM™ (indoor cycling) and BODYBALANCE™ (new generation yoga).

Product range and services
After a year of enforced home workouts, appetite for live fitness experiences in groups is soaring. Two-thirds of gym members (67%) say they prefer working out in groups, while live classes in club are nearly twice as popular as doing livestream classes at home (favoured by 44% of members vs 23%), which is why we’re continuing to drive fi re into the studios of 21,000 clubs globally with 22 world-class live workouts. Meanwhile, class occupancy has reached 120% of pre-COVID levels in markets where capacity restrictions have lifted.

Live classes are well and truly back however digital is here to stay and is undoubtedly a key component of the new fitness landscape. Virtual and immersive Les Mills studios in-club provide high quality digital experiences with the added benefits of member retention and authentic, human connection. By providing world-class experiences through group workouts and engaging with members inside and outside of their facility, we’ve helped to support thousands of clubs take the leap into digital fitness alongside a live offering via Les Mills+ and providing the tools for clubs to livestream or build their own video on-demand content library with LES MILLS CONTENT.

We offer world-class instructor training, with seminars, group discussions, practical workout sessions and teaching practice, assessed by international trainers and presenters, followed up with ongoing development. For our partners, we also offer CIMSPA-accredited Group Fitness Management training at no additional cost – with proven strategies to maximise attendance and delivering the best member experience.
case study: Liverpool University
The university dialling-up digital solutions to support student wellbeing

It has been widely documented that university students across the UK have suffered with increasing levels of isolation in what used to be, social and communal campus environments. But when faced with COVID-19 restrictions Liverpool University sought after an immediate solution for students to remain active in residency halls or at home…

As the academic year still carries obstacles of cancelled social events, online lessons and living alone, inevitably students have suffered from stress and loneliness. In fact, a survey for the National Union of Students (NUS) says more than 50% of students reported their mental health has declined since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Many of the 4,241 students surveyed in November 2020 say they have suffered stress, loneliness, anxiety and depression.

The well-being of their students was at the forefront of Liverpool University’s concerns when the pandemic started in March 2020. With no digital fitness offering in place and immediate restrictions that left students confined, in a matter of weeks the University had launched Les Mills On Demand Affiliate as an immediate solution to keep their students active.

The initial Les Mills On Demand trial gave students 60 days free access to over 1000 workouts across 13 programmes at the click of a button. Hundreds of students began to utilise the trial in April 2020 and have since subscribed with an affiliate discount through Liverpool University, regularly using the platform to aid their fitness goals at home.

On average, the students of Liverpool University use Les Mills On Demand three times a week with BODYPUMP, BODYBALANCE and BODYCOMBAT the most popular workout choices. The addition of a digital fitness platform enabled students to train anytime and anywhere, with 12,000 Les Mills workouts completed during the pandemic.

“The Les Mills classes have been amazing. They’ve been such a help throughout lockdown, not just for my physical health but also from a mental health perspective. I would’ve been lost without them!” Student, Liverpool University

The Office for National Statistics found that young people aged 16 to 29 were twice as likely as the over-70s to be experiencing loneliness in the pandemic.

The physical health benefits of exercise are well-established, but it’s increasingly recognised as a key pillar for supporting mental health as well. Within the wider University sector, Les Mills partners have utilised the LES MILLS On Demand affiliate scheme to provide high-class online fitness solutions, with over 170,000 workouts completed by students across the UK since the pandemic began.

“Thank you for the Les Mills Online classes. I don't know how I could manage without them!” Student, Liverpool University

New-generation yoga program BODYBALANCE has proven to be a particularly popular programmes with University students for staying well during the pandemic. Recent research indicates that regular BODYBALANCE™ classes can help banish the lockdown blues, increase sleep quality by 15% and boost mental health.

The study found that participants who incorporate regular 30-40-minute sessions of this specialist stretching and meditation into their daily life experience significantly improved sleep and cardiovascular health, better recovery from mental and physical stress, and enhanced positive feelings.

Liverpool University is now able to support students beyond its campus with world-class workouts such as BODYBALANCE. With minimal integration needed the LES MILLS On Demand affiliate programme provides an easy digital solution to engage students but also provides additional revenue.

“I have found having access to these workouts at home great for my physical and mental health” Student, Liverpool University

The reach and convenience of digital workouts has been key to supporting students through the stresses of university life. The 2020 Les Mills Consumer Survey showed that 77% of people cited mental health and stress relief as two reasons for exercising. Rebecca Goodwin, Sports and Fitness Centre Supervisor for Liverpool University says “We have to make changes forever from this now and use this as an opportunity to adapt and grow our fitness provision, moving forward we’ll definitely keep an online offering for the students.”

“We’re even looking at how we can adapt other fitness services online, such as initial consultations with our fitness advisors, and we’ve also set up livestreaming for Les Mills classes in lockdown with over 26 online classes per week.”

A ClubIntel report into the post-COVID fitness landscape concludes that fitness providers “seeking relevance to Gen Z and Millennials need to commit to providing virtual fitness content”, as these demographics were the biggest consumers of digital offerings during lockdown and say their ongoing provision will be the most important factor in them returning to their facilities post-pandemic.

Will ‘blended training’ become the norm post-pandemic as we see gym workouts and at-home sessions combined? It’s certain that universities will need to remain in sync with their students’ new found habits and methods of maintaining well-being, with digital fitness solutions at the forefront of evolutionary changes from COVID-19.
case study: This digital club concept defied the pandemic to build a thriving online member base
2020 collectively forced the fitness industry to evolve and Hypervelo is the ultimate example of this. Frustrated by the first lockdown and their inability to teach live classes, two LES MILLS Instructors took the initiative and created an online community that transports the live studio experience into the audience’s living room. Now with a booming member base and a 33-class per week timetable, the team behind Hypervelo share the secrets to their success…

Is it possible to launch a digital-only club concept with limited resources, in the midst of a global pandemic?

For Hypervelo founders Jane and Sharron, necessity has proved the mother of invention, helping them to create a thriving online business that brings the club experience into people’s living rooms.

In a bid to stay sane and active during the first lockdown, Jane and Sharron began teaching free online classes from their own homes to a small group of participants.

While some operators were still working how to pivot their club model into the online space, the two LES MILLS Instructors with over ten years’ experience each began doing what they do best. Teaching, motivating and inspiring.

As the number of participants quickly grew through word of mouth, Jane and Sharron established a business plan to Livestream LES MILLS classes through zoom, involving a partnership with Les Mills, the same as any club would which allows them to Livestream the original and newest releases. With over 156 members, Hypervelo now charge a monthly rate from 4 classes at £15, 8 classes at £21 or even unlimited for £31 per month.

“We essentially wanted to replicate a gym environment, but online. For us, that meant a comprehensive offer of weekly classes just like you’d get with a club timetable,” says Jane. “The transition from free classes to charging fees was surprisingly simple. The people who had been attending our classes got to the point where they said, you know, we want to pay you for this".

Hypervelo is an online Club community, offering over 33 LES MILLS classes per week from the click of a mouse or tap of the phone. The team use a combination of social media marketing and e-marketing, finding that investing in LES MILLS classes has added significant clout to the concept.

“We chose Les Mills because it gives the company kudos. We know other people who are doing online classes, and they’re doing it with cheaper alternatives. But it’s not Les Mills. That for us, gives Hypervelo the quality of programming and a strong brand with an edge."

Once the initial foundations of the website were created, Jane and Sharron were able to create monthly membership bundles depending on individual demand, starting from 4 classes per month right up to unlimited class attendance.

“There are lots of advantages,” adds Sharron. “From a practical point of view, each car journey to teach for myself and Jane was a 25-mile round trip. That’s something we’ve heard from our members too: whether it’s a 5-mile or 20-minute journey – it’s all time back. And now, our members will sometimes roll out of bed and workout.

It’s convenient, nobody is rushing back from the office and members can transition seamlessly into a class… Because moving from one room to another still counts!

The online UK Club now has over 150 paying members from Worcester, London, Birmingham, Devon and even across continents; Hypervelo have members tuning in from the UAE.

“What’s really lovely is when they take us on holiday with them. Members like the fact they can take their laptop with them anywhere and they’re not missing out on a workout.” Sharron says. She adds that the portability of digital club concepts help overcome many of the traditional engagement challenges clubs face when members go away on holiday or for work.

A recent Les Mills On Demand survey shows that digital fitness is here to stay, with most users intending to carry on with digital fitness even when their gym reopens (84%). And with COVID uncertainty continuing to challenge the fitness industry, what does the future look like for Hypervelo?

“Well, we’ve actually had a consistent rise in members, whether we’ve been in lockdown in the UK, or not,” says Sharron.

“Hand on heart, when gyms reopened I thought we’d see a lot of members disappear, but they didn’t. People have invested in equipment now, businesses have said they won’t be going back to an office environment five days a week and their lives have changed.

“For good or bad, maybe we needed to adjust how we live in the UK. We were always chasing our tails as a country, and maybe, people now have a better work-life balance.”
case study: Bannatyne Health Clubs Pivot to Digital Workouts with Les Mills on Demand
With gyms closed across the country, Bannatyne Health Clubs has joined an increasing number of fitness operators pivoting to digital with the launch of both live and on-demand group exercise classes from Les Mills, the group fitness expert behind classes such as BODYPUMP™ and BODYCOMBAT™ .

Through the Bannatyne Health Club app, Bannatyne’s more than 200,000 members across 72 clubs can now access Les Mills on Demand, free for 60-days. The content includes more than 800 Les Mills on Demand workouts, alongside fitness and goal tracking capabilities. Les Mills on Demand enables users to stream, cast or download world-leading workouts at home or on the go presented by the world’s best instructors and supported by expert training guides.

Since launch, there has been over 10,000 sign-ups, helping Bannatyne members stay connected while all clubs remain closed due to COVID-19.

“We’ve been blown away by the support from the Les Mills team during this unprecedented time,” says Peter Wilkinson, national sales and marketing manager at The Bannatyne Group. “Our goal is to keep members moving and Les Mills on Demand plays a key part in that. Within a matter of weeks, we were able to completely update our app with Les Mills on Demand and communicate the 60-day offer to members, thanks to their support. The production quality of the content is second-to-none and as close as you can get an in-person experience. So far, the member feedback has been phenomenal both from regular group exercisers, but also from those that have never done it before. It has given them the confidence to come and try a live class when we reopen. Les Mills digital will also continue to play a part going forward to complement the fantastic range of fitness equipment and classes within our health clubs. “

Alongside Les Mills on Demand, Bannatyne’s has also launched a live timetable of group exercise classes including Les Mills programmes via its YouTube channel. Led by qualified Les Mills instructors, the classes have proven so popular that the account has grown from just 600 subscribers to nearly 11,000 in the span of a few weeks. Themed days, such as the recent “Les Mills Lockdown,” generated significant member engagement with upwards of 400 members joining live and thousands watching the replays afterwards.

“Supporting our club partners and instructors during this time remains our number one priority,” says Martin Franklin, CEO, Les Mills Europe. “We’re working with each club to provide vital support during the lockdown and we’re thrilled to see the response to Les Mills on Demand from Bannatyne members. We believe that people will be back at the gym for live workouts once the lockdown is lifted. But the shift to digital fitness is helping to break down barriers to fitness for people you might not typically see in the gym, and that’s really exciting. With this expanded member reach, we will continue to support Bannatyne members through their fitness journey, now and once they can reopen.”

All Les Mills club partners have the option of providing their members with a free 60-day trial of Les Mills on Demand to keep them active and engaged if they can’t make it to the club. To further help club partners during this time, Les Mills has created a new weekly club support webinar series with a variety of topics available live or on-demand. In addition to the LMOD offer and webinar series, Les Mills has also provided instructors with access to more than 20 royalty-free workouts that can be live-streamed to members from home with more content being added weekly.
Les Mills UK video gallery:
Plans for the next 12 months
Les Mills will continue to be focused on supporting all club partners to make their fastest way back to full membership with confidence, bringing live group fitness and digital experiences onto the menu. There’s a huge opportunity to engage with new members: 63 percent of Les Mills+ users are interested in trying a live class.

We are continuing to invest in our instructors with our commitment to training and ongoing development. This includes offering instructors a multitude of platforms to learn from as well as the new launched Les Mills Qualifi cations which recognises progression in teaching and enables instructors to achieve mastery in the art of group fitness.

We are also constantly innovating and working on ways to enhance programming and raise the bar. Our Les Mills clubs in New Zealand serve as our ‘living lab’ where we have several exciting pilots running to road-test new programs.

In an industry as trend-driven as the fitness sector, it’s vital to keep pace with changing consumer preferences so we’re always working on the next big thing that’s going to keep our club partners ahead of the curve.
Key personnel
Martin Franklin, Les Mills CEO, Europe
Key customers
Les Mills works with a wide range of clubs and facilities across the UK and Ireland, from the independent sector, local authorities, universities, corporate wellness providers, budget and boutiques.
“Member feedback [on Les Mills On Demand] has been phenomenal both from regular group exercisers, but also from those that have never done it before, giving them the confidence to come and try a live class when we re-open.”
– Peter Wilkinson, national sales and marketing manager, Bannatyne Group
Les Mills UK
Address: 1, Alie Street , London, E1 8DE, United Kingdom
Martin Franklin, Les Mills CEO, Europe
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Fuel the debate about issues across the industry and share your ideas and experiences. We’d love to hear from you: [email protected]
Featured supplier news
Featured supplier news: Altrafit introduces custom functional fitness equipment at Third Space
Altrafit has taken further steps to cement its reputation as a provider of high-quality, affordable functional fitness equipment that is built to last with the development and introduction of a new functional fitness keg for luxury gym operator, Third Space.
Supplier Showcases
Supplier showcase - Matrix: Futureproofing
Supplier Showcases
Supplier showcase - Safe Space: Delivering the vision
Catalogue Gallery
Click on a catalogue to view it online
Featured press releases
Active IQ press release: Industry heavyweight David Stalker joins Active IQ as independent adviser
David Stalker, President of EuropeActive and a CIMSPA chartered fellow is joining Active IQ from July 2024.
Featured press releases
Greenwich Leisure Limited press release: London Youth Games concludes at Copper Box Arena
After an incredibly competitive season, the London Youth Games Finals Festival took place at the end of last month at GLL's Copper Box Arena in London.
Art of Cryo: Cryotherapy
TechnoAlpin SpA: Snowroom
Total Vibration Solutions / TVS Sports Surfaces: Flooring
Salt therapy products
Himalayan Source: Salt therapy products
Crown Sports Lockers: Lockers
Spa software
SpaBooker: Spa software
Property & Tenders
Chiswick, Gillingham, York and Nottingham
Property & Tenders
Cleveland Lakes, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire
Cotswold Lakes Trust
Property & Tenders
Diary dates
03-05 Sep 2024
IMPACT Exhibition Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Diary dates
08-10 Sep 2024
Wyndham® Lake Buena Vista Disney Springs™ Resort, Lake Buena Vista, United States
Diary dates
19-19 Sep 2024
The Salil Hotel Riverside - Bangkok, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Diary dates
20-22 Sep 2024
Locations worldwide,
Diary dates
01-04 Oct 2024
REVĪVŌ Wellness Resort Nusa Dua Bali, Kabupaten Badung, Indonesia
Diary dates
09-13 Oct 2024
Soneva Fushi, Maldives
Diary dates
10 Oct 2024
QEII Conference Centre, London,
Diary dates
22-25 Oct 2024
Messe Stuttgart, Germany
Diary dates
24-24 Oct 2024
QEII Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom
Diary dates
04-07 Nov 2024
In person, St Andrews, United Kingdom
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04-06 Feb 2025
Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, United Kingdom
Diary dates
11-13 Feb 2025
Fairmont Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
Diary dates
10-13 Apr 2025
Exhibition Centre , Cologne, Germany
Diary dates
07-07 Jun 2025
Worldwide, Various,
Diary dates
28-31 Oct 2025
Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany
Diary dates
Gold company profile

Les Mills UK

About us   |   Contact us
For over 50 years Les Mills has been leading the way in fitness to inspire a fitter planet. Every week, millions of people get fit in 21,000 clubs across 100 countries with the help of 140,000 Les Mills instructors.
Find out more about Les Mills UK here...
Les Mills UK: News and press releases
20 Dec 2023
Les Mills has released Les Mills XR Dance for the Meta Quest 3 headset. The release is the company's second collaboration with XR (extended reality) gaming specialist Odder’s, following on from Les Mills XR Bodycombat which won Meta Quest’s Best App award in 2022.
09 Nov 2023
Clive Ormerod will stand down from his role as Group CEO of Les Mills at the end of 2023.
23 Aug 2023
Les Mills has launched a new low-impact, strength-based workout programme inspired by Pilates, barre and power yoga.
29 Jun 2023
Gen Z will have a bigger impact on the global fitness market than any generation before them, according to a new report from Les Mills.
17 Mar 2023
Employers within the fitness and physical activity sector could do more when it comes to ensuring their workforces have the support they need to deal with mental health issues.
28 Feb 2023
Les Mills has unveiled pioneering new programming to help clubs attract and engage the next generation of members.
25 Oct 2022
More than 5,000 exercisers turned out for Les Mills Live London recently, making it one of the largest group exercise events ever staged.
14 Jul 2022
Saudi Arabia’s largest club chain to offer world-leading Les Mills workouts across 151 sites, with plans to roll out across its women’s clubs from August 2022.
Les Mills UK: featured in HCM and Fit Tech magazines
Industry insights: What's ahead
HCM Handbook 2024 issue 1
As the fitness industry has bounced back from the pandemic, experts from around the world reflect on the past year and what might happen next…
Everyone's talking about: Indoor cycling
Health Club Management 2024 issue 4
Speaking on the LIFTS podcast recently, Xponential Fitness CEO Anthony Geisler said participation in studio cycling is down globally. Kath Hudson decided to investigate
Health Club Management 2024 issue 1
Kath Hudson talks to industry experts from around the world about their key takeaways from last year and their hopes for 2024
Health Club Management 2023 issue 9
Periods are sometimes viewed as taboo, but with menstruation proven to have a powerful impact on exercise, it’s time the fitness industry got comfortable with the conversation finds Kath Hudson
Special report: Strength revolution
Health Club Management 2023 issue 8
Strength training is booming, in part due to various government’s guidelines that recommend it for all ages, with new offerings coming in the form of hardware, tech and programming, as Steph Eaves reports
Health Club Management 2023 issue 7
A landmark report finds clubs can unlock growth by engaging Gen Z. So how should operators shape strategies to meet their needs? Jak Phillips investigates
About Les Mills UK
About us For more than 50 years Les Mills has been leading the way in fitness. We produce 22 group fitness programmes, backed by science, to be experienced in club or at home via Les Mills+.

Every week, millions of people get fit in 21,000 clubs, across 100 countries with the help of 140,000 Les Mills instructors, who bring to life programmes such as BODYPUMP™ (the world’s most popular barbell workout), BODYCOMBAT™ (martial arts), RPM™ (indoor cycling) and BODYBALANCE™ (new generation yoga).

Product range and services
After a year of enforced home workouts, appetite for live fitness experiences in groups is soaring. Two-thirds of gym members (67%) say they prefer working out in groups, while live classes in club are nearly twice as popular as doing livestream classes at home (favoured by 44% of members vs 23%), which is why we’re continuing to drive fi re into the studios of 21,000 clubs globally with 22 world-class live workouts. Meanwhile, class occupancy has reached 120% of pre-COVID levels in markets where capacity restrictions have lifted.

Live classes are well and truly back however digital is here to stay and is undoubtedly a key component of the new fitness landscape. Virtual and immersive Les Mills studios in-club provide high quality digital experiences with the added benefits of member retention and authentic, human connection. By providing world-class experiences through group workouts and engaging with members inside and outside of their facility, we’ve helped to support thousands of clubs take the leap into digital fitness alongside a live offering via Les Mills+ and providing the tools for clubs to livestream or build their own video on-demand content library with LES MILLS CONTENT.

We offer world-class instructor training, with seminars, group discussions, practical workout sessions and teaching practice, assessed by international trainers and presenters, followed up with ongoing development. For our partners, we also offer CIMSPA-accredited Group Fitness Management training at no additional cost – with proven strategies to maximise attendance and delivering the best member experience.
case study: Liverpool University
The university dialling-up digital solutions to support student wellbeing

It has been widely documented that university students across the UK have suffered with increasing levels of isolation in what used to be, social and communal campus environments. But when faced with COVID-19 restrictions Liverpool University sought after an immediate solution for students to remain active in residency halls or at home…

As the academic year still carries obstacles of cancelled social events, online lessons and living alone, inevitably students have suffered from stress and loneliness. In fact, a survey for the National Union of Students (NUS) says more than 50% of students reported their mental health has declined since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Many of the 4,241 students surveyed in November 2020 say they have suffered stress, loneliness, anxiety and depression.

The well-being of their students was at the forefront of Liverpool University’s concerns when the pandemic started in March 2020. With no digital fitness offering in place and immediate restrictions that left students confined, in a matter of weeks the University had launched Les Mills On Demand Affiliate as an immediate solution to keep their students active.

The initial Les Mills On Demand trial gave students 60 days free access to over 1000 workouts across 13 programmes at the click of a button. Hundreds of students began to utilise the trial in April 2020 and have since subscribed with an affiliate discount through Liverpool University, regularly using the platform to aid their fitness goals at home.

On average, the students of Liverpool University use Les Mills On Demand three times a week with BODYPUMP, BODYBALANCE and BODYCOMBAT the most popular workout choices. The addition of a digital fitness platform enabled students to train anytime and anywhere, with 12,000 Les Mills workouts completed during the pandemic.

“The Les Mills classes have been amazing. They’ve been such a help throughout lockdown, not just for my physical health but also from a mental health perspective. I would’ve been lost without them!” Student, Liverpool University

The Office for National Statistics found that young people aged 16 to 29 were twice as likely as the over-70s to be experiencing loneliness in the pandemic.

The physical health benefits of exercise are well-established, but it’s increasingly recognised as a key pillar for supporting mental health as well. Within the wider University sector, Les Mills partners have utilised the LES MILLS On Demand affiliate scheme to provide high-class online fitness solutions, with over 170,000 workouts completed by students across the UK since the pandemic began.

“Thank you for the Les Mills Online classes. I don't know how I could manage without them!” Student, Liverpool University

New-generation yoga program BODYBALANCE has proven to be a particularly popular programmes with University students for staying well during the pandemic. Recent research indicates that regular BODYBALANCE™ classes can help banish the lockdown blues, increase sleep quality by 15% and boost mental health.

The study found that participants who incorporate regular 30-40-minute sessions of this specialist stretching and meditation into their daily life experience significantly improved sleep and cardiovascular health, better recovery from mental and physical stress, and enhanced positive feelings.

Liverpool University is now able to support students beyond its campus with world-class workouts such as BODYBALANCE. With minimal integration needed the LES MILLS On Demand affiliate programme provides an easy digital solution to engage students but also provides additional revenue.

“I have found having access to these workouts at home great for my physical and mental health” Student, Liverpool University

The reach and convenience of digital workouts has been key to supporting students through the stresses of university life. The 2020 Les Mills Consumer Survey showed that 77% of people cited mental health and stress relief as two reasons for exercising. Rebecca Goodwin, Sports and Fitness Centre Supervisor for Liverpool University says “We have to make changes forever from this now and use this as an opportunity to adapt and grow our fitness provision, moving forward we’ll definitely keep an online offering for the students.”

“We’re even looking at how we can adapt other fitness services online, such as initial consultations with our fitness advisors, and we’ve also set up livestreaming for Les Mills classes in lockdown with over 26 online classes per week.”

A ClubIntel report into the post-COVID fitness landscape concludes that fitness providers “seeking relevance to Gen Z and Millennials need to commit to providing virtual fitness content”, as these demographics were the biggest consumers of digital offerings during lockdown and say their ongoing provision will be the most important factor in them returning to their facilities post-pandemic.

Will ‘blended training’ become the norm post-pandemic as we see gym workouts and at-home sessions combined? It’s certain that universities will need to remain in sync with their students’ new found habits and methods of maintaining well-being, with digital fitness solutions at the forefront of evolutionary changes from COVID-19.
case study: This digital club concept defied the pandemic to build a thriving online member base
2020 collectively forced the fitness industry to evolve and Hypervelo is the ultimate example of this. Frustrated by the first lockdown and their inability to teach live classes, two LES MILLS Instructors took the initiative and created an online community that transports the live studio experience into the audience’s living room. Now with a booming member base and a 33-class per week timetable, the team behind Hypervelo share the secrets to their success…

Is it possible to launch a digital-only club concept with limited resources, in the midst of a global pandemic?

For Hypervelo founders Jane and Sharron, necessity has proved the mother of invention, helping them to create a thriving online business that brings the club experience into people’s living rooms.

In a bid to stay sane and active during the first lockdown, Jane and Sharron began teaching free online classes from their own homes to a small group of participants.

While some operators were still working how to pivot their club model into the online space, the two LES MILLS Instructors with over ten years’ experience each began doing what they do best. Teaching, motivating and inspiring.

As the number of participants quickly grew through word of mouth, Jane and Sharron established a business plan to Livestream LES MILLS classes through zoom, involving a partnership with Les Mills, the same as any club would which allows them to Livestream the original and newest releases. With over 156 members, Hypervelo now charge a monthly rate from 4 classes at £15, 8 classes at £21 or even unlimited for £31 per month.

“We essentially wanted to replicate a gym environment, but online. For us, that meant a comprehensive offer of weekly classes just like you’d get with a club timetable,” says Jane. “The transition from free classes to charging fees was surprisingly simple. The people who had been attending our classes got to the point where they said, you know, we want to pay you for this".

Hypervelo is an online Club community, offering over 33 LES MILLS classes per week from the click of a mouse or tap of the phone. The team use a combination of social media marketing and e-marketing, finding that investing in LES MILLS classes has added significant clout to the concept.

“We chose Les Mills because it gives the company kudos. We know other people who are doing online classes, and they’re doing it with cheaper alternatives. But it’s not Les Mills. That for us, gives Hypervelo the quality of programming and a strong brand with an edge."

Once the initial foundations of the website were created, Jane and Sharron were able to create monthly membership bundles depending on individual demand, starting from 4 classes per month right up to unlimited class attendance.

“There are lots of advantages,” adds Sharron. “From a practical point of view, each car journey to teach for myself and Jane was a 25-mile round trip. That’s something we’ve heard from our members too: whether it’s a 5-mile or 20-minute journey – it’s all time back. And now, our members will sometimes roll out of bed and workout.

It’s convenient, nobody is rushing back from the office and members can transition seamlessly into a class… Because moving from one room to another still counts!

The online UK Club now has over 150 paying members from Worcester, London, Birmingham, Devon and even across continents; Hypervelo have members tuning in from the UAE.

“What’s really lovely is when they take us on holiday with them. Members like the fact they can take their laptop with them anywhere and they’re not missing out on a workout.” Sharron says. She adds that the portability of digital club concepts help overcome many of the traditional engagement challenges clubs face when members go away on holiday or for work.

A recent Les Mills On Demand survey shows that digital fitness is here to stay, with most users intending to carry on with digital fitness even when their gym reopens (84%). And with COVID uncertainty continuing to challenge the fitness industry, what does the future look like for Hypervelo?

“Well, we’ve actually had a consistent rise in members, whether we’ve been in lockdown in the UK, or not,” says Sharron.

“Hand on heart, when gyms reopened I thought we’d see a lot of members disappear, but they didn’t. People have invested in equipment now, businesses have said they won’t be going back to an office environment five days a week and their lives have changed.

“For good or bad, maybe we needed to adjust how we live in the UK. We were always chasing our tails as a country, and maybe, people now have a better work-life balance.”
case study: Bannatyne Health Clubs Pivot to Digital Workouts with Les Mills on Demand
With gyms closed across the country, Bannatyne Health Clubs has joined an increasing number of fitness operators pivoting to digital with the launch of both live and on-demand group exercise classes from Les Mills, the group fitness expert behind classes such as BODYPUMP™ and BODYCOMBAT™ .

Through the Bannatyne Health Club app, Bannatyne’s more than 200,000 members across 72 clubs can now access Les Mills on Demand, free for 60-days. The content includes more than 800 Les Mills on Demand workouts, alongside fitness and goal tracking capabilities. Les Mills on Demand enables users to stream, cast or download world-leading workouts at home or on the go presented by the world’s best instructors and supported by expert training guides.

Since launch, there has been over 10,000 sign-ups, helping Bannatyne members stay connected while all clubs remain closed due to COVID-19.

“We’ve been blown away by the support from the Les Mills team during this unprecedented time,” says Peter Wilkinson, national sales and marketing manager at The Bannatyne Group. “Our goal is to keep members moving and Les Mills on Demand plays a key part in that. Within a matter of weeks, we were able to completely update our app with Les Mills on Demand and communicate the 60-day offer to members, thanks to their support. The production quality of the content is second-to-none and as close as you can get an in-person experience. So far, the member feedback has been phenomenal both from regular group exercisers, but also from those that have never done it before. It has given them the confidence to come and try a live class when we reopen. Les Mills digital will also continue to play a part going forward to complement the fantastic range of fitness equipment and classes within our health clubs. “

Alongside Les Mills on Demand, Bannatyne’s has also launched a live timetable of group exercise classes including Les Mills programmes via its YouTube channel. Led by qualified Les Mills instructors, the classes have proven so popular that the account has grown from just 600 subscribers to nearly 11,000 in the span of a few weeks. Themed days, such as the recent “Les Mills Lockdown,” generated significant member engagement with upwards of 400 members joining live and thousands watching the replays afterwards.

“Supporting our club partners and instructors during this time remains our number one priority,” says Martin Franklin, CEO, Les Mills Europe. “We’re working with each club to provide vital support during the lockdown and we’re thrilled to see the response to Les Mills on Demand from Bannatyne members. We believe that people will be back at the gym for live workouts once the lockdown is lifted. But the shift to digital fitness is helping to break down barriers to fitness for people you might not typically see in the gym, and that’s really exciting. With this expanded member reach, we will continue to support Bannatyne members through their fitness journey, now and once they can reopen.”

All Les Mills club partners have the option of providing their members with a free 60-day trial of Les Mills on Demand to keep them active and engaged if they can’t make it to the club. To further help club partners during this time, Les Mills has created a new weekly club support webinar series with a variety of topics available live or on-demand. In addition to the LMOD offer and webinar series, Les Mills has also provided instructors with access to more than 20 royalty-free workouts that can be live-streamed to members from home with more content being added weekly.
Les Mills UK
Address: 1, Alie Street , London, E1 8DE, United Kingdom
Martin Franklin, Les Mills CEO, Europe
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Key personnel
Martin Franklin, Les Mills CEO, Europe
Key customers
Les Mills works with a wide range of clubs and facilities across the UK and Ireland, from the independent sector, local authorities, universities, corporate wellness providers, budget and boutiques.
Plans for the next 12 months
Les Mills will continue to be focused on supporting all club partners to make their fastest way back to full membership with confidence, bringing live group fitness and digital experiences onto the menu. There’s a huge opportunity to engage with new members: 63 percent of Les Mills+ users are interested in trying a live class.

We are continuing to invest in our instructors with our commitment to training and ongoing development. This includes offering instructors a multitude of platforms to learn from as well as the new launched Les Mills Qualifi cations which recognises progression in teaching and enables instructors to achieve mastery in the art of group fitness.

We are also constantly innovating and working on ways to enhance programming and raise the bar. Our Les Mills clubs in New Zealand serve as our ‘living lab’ where we have several exciting pilots running to road-test new programs.

In an industry as trend-driven as the fitness sector, it’s vital to keep pace with changing consumer preferences so we’re always working on the next big thing that’s going to keep our club partners ahead of the curve.
“Member feedback [on Les Mills On Demand] has been phenomenal both from regular group exercisers, but also from those that have never done it before, giving them the confidence to come and try a live class when we re-open.”
– Peter Wilkinson, national sales and marketing manager, Bannatyne Group
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